
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Join RRA?

Legislation requires importers of refrigerant to participate in a Product Stewardship Scheme (PSS). RRA manages this scheme, the funds received via the PSS are used for the collection and destruction of ODS/SGG refrigerants at the end of shelf life.

2. How do I join RRA?

To become a new contributor to the Product Stewardship Scheme, (a two step process) you will first need to register so you can use our website to access the Product Stewardship Scheme Agreement.
When your details have been verified access will be granted to the VIP section. this is step two, you will need to choose the most applicable agreement for your entity. 
The agreement must be signed by you and submitted via the portal to RRA for processing.

3. What type of agreements do RRA offer?

RRA offers 3 different options:

  • One time import (one import only)
  • Less than 100kg of refrigerant- imported each year
  • More than 100kg of refrigerant-imported each year

4. Which agreement is best for me?

  • If you do a one off import then “one time import” is for you
  • If you intend to import unit/units less than 100kg of refrigerant within a 12month period, then the “less than 100kg” agreement is best suited
  • If you intend to import more than 100kg of refrigerant within a 12month period than “more than 100kg” is your best fit.

5. What is the fee structure for the agreements?

  • One time import (one import only), a minimum fee of $220 (subject to change) is applicable for 1-100 kg of imported refrigerant, you can import more than 100kg as a one time import, the fee applicable would be $2.20 for every kg imported.
  • Less than 100kg of refrigerant- imported each year, (multiple imports up to 100kg permissible)  a fee of $220 (subject to change)  is applicable, from the agreement date for 12 months.  This agreement is automatically renewed annually.
  • More than 100kg of refrigerant-imported each year, a minimum fee of $220 (subject to change) is applicable, the fee for this agreement is $2.20 for every kg imported and requires quarterly reporting and payment, as per agreement.  This agreement is ongoing indefinitely. In the event you import less than 100kg in the 12month time frame minimum fee invoice will be raised by RRA for the difference.

All fees are subject to change

6. Can I withdraw from the Product Stewardship Scheme?


However, withdrawal cannot be processed if you hold an active licence, documentary evidence is required that your licence has expired or you have surrendered your licence to the Department of Environment and Energy

Please note:  that you must be a contributor of a PSS to be able import refrigerant into Australia.

7. How do I withdraw from the Product Stewardship Scheme?

Submit any reports, pay any levies relating to the Licensing period.   Please use the “enquiries” tab on the RRA portal, advising your intention to withdraw from the PSS, attach documentary evidence of your expired/surrendered license.  

Provided all aspects have been addressed, RRA will process your withdrawal from the PSS and notify the Commonwealth Ozone team of your withdrawal.

8. How do I contact RRA's office?

Please use the “enquiries” tab on the portal or

you can email us at  importers@refrigerantreclaim.com.au

You can call us on 02 6230 5244

9. How long does it take to process my application?

Generally from start to finish we ask applicants to allow 48 hours (2 working days) after payment is received.

10. What do I do if I do not have an ABN?

Email RRA’s office and we will assist you.  An ABN is not required for individuals.

11. Can I transfer my contribution to another entity?

No. Contributions are not transferable.
If you no longer require the contribution for an entity, you need to withdraw that entity and then reapply under the new entity name and ABN.

12. How do I obtain a copy of the invoice? To view or to pay?

Access to invoices is available via the portal.  Simply login, and go to “my invoices”

13. Can I change email contact or other company details?

Yes, login to the portal and go to “my details” and change information

14. What if I am not able to make any changes?

Please use the “enquiries” tab on the portal or

you can email us at  importers@refrigerantreclaim.com.au and tell us what you need to have changed.